
Your central heating is crucial in your daily life, both for you and your family. It is responsible for warming your home and making sure you are at a comfortable temperature. In fact in the winter when the temperatures plummet it is an essential part of your life. Your central heating system needs care and attention and maintenance regularly, to prevent any large problems from developing.

When your heating system starts to have problems, power flushing is a fantastic technique to resolve them. Many central heating problems occur because there is a clog in the radiators, pipes, or boiler. Power flushing is very efficient at dealing with clogs and blockages in your central heating system.


Power flushing is an effective technique used by plumbers to clean out and clear any obstructions within central heating systems. It requires the use of a power flush pump and a magnetite machine. Power flushing brings many benefits to your heating system. It completely cleans the entire system which will help extend the life of your boiler and help prevent more clogs in the future.

The power flush pump is attached to your heating system and each part of the system is flushed using a chemical cleaning solution. The cleaning solution contains chemicals that break down sludge and debris, which accumulate over time. Limescale is also broken down and flushed away. Often a corrosion inhibitor is also added to prevent future corrosion. The pump provides high flow at low pressure. The whole system will be flushed several times until the water runs clean. If there are any severe blockages in your radiators, these will need to be removed and flushed separately.

The process usually takes between 5-8 hours but will depend upon the type of central heating system you have, the age of your heating system and the extent of the buildup, and also the number of radiators there are.

Signs That Your Pump Needs Power Flush


The following signs will let you know if you need a power flush treatment.

  • Your radiators don’t heat up to a high temperature
  • Your radiators take a long time to heat.
  • There are strange noises coming from your radiators.
  • There are cold spots on your radiators.
  • Your radiators are warm at the top but cold at the bottom.
  • The boiler or boiler pump is making strange noises.
  • Your heat exchangers are blocked and cause the warm water to oscillate.
  • Your boiler keeps switching off, or will not turn on.

Other signs are problems with the zone valves, pumps, heat exchangers, and diverter valves.

It’s not enough to just replace damaged or unworking components. This is an expensive course of action and it won’t resolve the problem if there is an underlying issue. A good power flush will cleanse the system of any clogs, accumulations, or debris.

Power flushing treatment will benefit your heating system in several ways.

  • Your heating system will be more efficient and will reduce your energy bills.
  • No blockages in the radiators or pips.
  • Will eliminate any cold spots in your radiators.
  • It will eliminate strange noises in your radiators.
  • It will eliminate strange noises in your boiler.
  • It will extend the life of your boiler.
  • Your radiators will be hotter.

What Will Happen If I Don’t Have A Power Flush Treatment?


If you don’t have a power flush treatment the limescale, sludge and other accumulations inside your heating system will make it more difficult for your boiler to work. This means it will use more energy and it is likely your heating bills will increase. Because your boiler is put under pressure and may break down, this can lead to serious and expensive charges.