Social science is the branch of study that involves interaction and relation between humans and other beings such as animals, plants, and inanimate objects. It refers to the scientific methods and methods for collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data related to human behaviour and society.It is ncert social science class 6 subject.
The Earth’s Size
The Earth is the most giant and massive planet in our solar system. It is also the only planet that has a solid surface. The Earth’s size is surprising when you consider that it is only about 1/5 the size of the Sun.
Earth’s mass is what makes it so significant. The more mass something has, the bigger it will be. The Earth has more groups than any other planet in our solar system. This mass is what gives it its gravity and keeps it centered in our solar system.
The Earth also has a lot of layers. This atmosphere makes it look like a blue planet from space. The atmosphere also helps to protect the Earth from radiation from the Sun.
Gravity on Earth
Gravity on Earth is the force that attracts objects toward the planet’s centre. It gives us the feeling of weight and keeps us on our feet.
The gravity on Earth is caused by the planet’s mass and the masses of the objects around it. The more group an object has, the more gravity it has. Earth has more mass than any other planet in our solar system, so it has a stronger gravity.
The other planets in our solar system have less mass than Earth, so their gravity is weaker. This means that they don’t have as much attraction to Earth’s centre. This is why they orbit around it instead of being pulled straight into it.
Gravity also affects things outside of our planet’s atmosphere. This is because air doesn’t have as much mass as everything else in our solar system. Air molecules don’t have as much gravitational pull, so they move around freely in space.
Orbital Period of The Earth
The orbital period of Earth is 365.24 days. This means that Earth completes one orbit around the Sun every 365.24 days.
2. The Distance From The Sun
The distance from the Sun is about 93 million miles or 150 million kilometres. This is the average distance from the Sun to Earth.
Rotation Rate of the Earth
The Earth rotates on its axis once every 24 hours. This is what gives us day and night and the seasons. The North Pole is pointed towards the Sun, and the South Pole has filed away from the Sun. This causes the Earth to rotate on its axis.
2. Orbit of the Earth around the Sun
The Earth orbits around the Sun once every 365.25 days. This orbit is called an ellipse. The distance from the Sun to Earth varies throughout the year due to gravitational forces between Earth and the Sun. During winter, Earth is closer to the Sun than in summer. This causes shorter days during winter and longer days during summer.
Atmosphere and Weather
One of the most important aspects of Earth’s environment is its atmosphere. The atmosphere protects Earth from the Sun and space debris. It also helps to control the temperature on Earth.
The atmosphere comprises gases, including water vapour, nitrogen, and oxygen. These gases are held together by their molecular chains. The pressure inside the atmosphere is so great that these gas molecules can’t move around very much. The sky is blue because the gas molecules scatter the small amounts of sunlight that reach the Earth in the atmosphere.
The movement of air masses controls the Earth’s weather. Air masses are large masses of air that winds have moved. The winds bring perspective from different parts of the world to different parts of the planet. They also move water vapour and other substances around in the atmosphere.
The climate on Earth is constantly changing because of the movement of air masses. Climate change refers to a change in average weather conditions over several decades or longer. Climate change can be caused by changes in solar radiation, variations in Earth’s orbit around the Sun, or changes in precipitation patterns.
Continents and Oceans
According to the online learning platform Infinity Learn. One of the most important things to understand about Earth is that it is a planet in a solar system. This means that Earth orbits around the Sun and all the other planets in our solar system do too.
All of the planets in our solar system are made up of different materials. The three most common types of materials are rocks, water, and gas. Stones are made up of small pieces of minerals and are very dense. Water is made up of tiny droplets that contain hydrogen and oxygen atoms. Gas is just a mixture of different molecules, and it is very sparse.
The four significant continents on Earth are Antarctica, North America, Eurasia, and Africa. Antarctica is the largest continent, and it is also the coldest continent.
North America is the second-largest continent, and it is the warmest continent. Eurasia is between North America and Africa, and it is the third-largest continent. Africa is the smallest continent, and it is also the hottest continent.
Each ocean on Earth has a different name based on where it sits on Earth’s surface. The Atlantic Ocean is on the western side of Europe, and it connects to the Mediterranean Sea through the Strait Of Gibraltar. InfinityLearn will provide detailed notes.
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