
Cannabis plants are rich in bioactive phytocannabinoids with major of them being THC and CBD. Apart from those, there are also minor cannabinoids – CBC, CBN, THCV, CBDV and many more. Up-to-date clinical trials have revealed that both THC and CBD, including combinations of these, are suitable to treat various illnesses. CBD is useful in treatment of epileptic seizures, while THC is useful in treatment of pain, nausea and other problems felt by cancer patients. What about their analogues THCV and CBDV?

THCV (tetrahydrocannabivarin) – non psychoactive THC analogue.


THCV, chemically speaking, is a homologue of THC, meaning that they share identical structure, except for one minor difference – THC has a five carbon long side chain, which can be called a “tail”, whereas THCV has a three carbon long “tail”. This minor variation translates into specific activities in the body.

So what is CBDV (cannabidivarin) then?

There is a direct analogy between CBDV and CBD. Chemically, CBDV vs CBD differ by the same minor factor – length of the “tail”, meaning that CBD isolate has five carbon “tail” and CBDV isolate has three carbon “tail”. What does that mean in terms of bioactivity? Well, that is harder to answer. For example, THC is psychoactive and THCV is not, but in case of CBD vs CBDV – both of them are non psychoactive, they both have been evaluated in academic research and shown to treat seizures, but that is about it. Their differences have not been reported yet in the scientific literature.

Where can you find CBDV isolate?


Only several strains of cannabis produce CBDV at appreciable levels, so currently it is hard to get natural CBDV isolate. Some plants in Asia tend to produce less THC and higher CBD content along with CBDV, meaning that natural CBDV might come as a mixture of CBD and CBDV. Apart from that, a handful of companies have developed synthetic pure CBDV isolate. CBDV is much more expensive than CBD, so it makes complete sense to manufacture this compound at scale. Trustworthy companies can offer CBDV for sale at tens of kilograms with purity exceeding 99 %. Purity is very important if you want to avoid contaminants and to get the full benefits of this material.

Medical Uses Of CBDV?

Interest in CBDV from a medical perspective and standpoint is only just starting. It is possible that CBDV will attract attention from a wide range of medical specialists. Muscular dystrophy is one area that has already found some possible applications for CBDV, also it can help with different kinds of diseases and syndromes.

It may reduce inflammations and revamp muscles and their functions. These will be vital gains for those people who are suffering from the pain of muscular dystrophy. At the moment there isn’t a primary CBDV medical use, instead it looks like it can be used in multiple branches and fields of medicine. Which means it can help many people. Which is the most important thing of all.

How can it be used?


Similarly to CBD, CBDV is sold as a tincture, CBDV oil drops, water soluble CBDV and in other commonly found formulations. It can come in combinations with other minor and major cannabinoids for the entourage effect, however pure CBDV distillate is rather uncommon due to scarcity of natural CBDV rich plants.