Boden News Black And White Interface
The website of Boden News has a black and white interface. The User Interface is very fluid. Especially, keeping in note the amount of traffic the website has to deal with daily. Boden website also has a Trending Tab on the bottom to keep the user updated with the trends of today. This should be a must feature on the website. Mainly because many users visit a newspaper website only to update with the trends. The website also has a button for contacting the admin team on Whats app.
Users can easily contact their team on Whats App in case of any copyrights violation etc. The Home Page makes use of custom-sized tiles. This mainly done to force special emphasis on a topic. Users mostly tend to read content that written in big size. Most of the headings of the articles are in bold which shows their significance to read. The User interface does make use of ads but in a very limited quantity. The Advertisement banners resized to a minimum amount to avoid any distraction for the user.
Unique Features of Boden News
Boden News website filled with emphasis on typography. The website has headings like Latest Articles to categorize and organize the content on their website. The website has around 7 Headings to categorize everyday news into different sections. It has categories for Fashion, Lifestyle, Business, Technology, and even street wear. A Customer service teamassigned to the website.
This is mainly to consult customer concerns or check up on website traffic. Since this is a newspaper website, it mostly has a lot of incoming traffic in the morning. This is mainly because people of old age prefer to give the news a go thru at the start of their day. However, Boden always remains up to the mark. The team behind this is so experienced that the website never has to go down for maintenance or bugs.
Being up to date with Boden News
Users who use Boden News are always up to date with the latest trends. This is mainly because the team is constantly uploading new content 24/7. Boden also announces the best discount offers with discounts up to 50% or more. This is a little extra from a newspaper. It proves how News pays attention to detail regarding trends.
The website also has a store hence, users can shop for stylish accessories like handbags, sunglasses, sun hats, belts, etc. Boden’s store has all the latest online promotions going on. The store only lists products that are made from the best and most durable materials. Products are listed at a very affordable price. However, the store is only online and products can’t be physically inspected before making the purchase decision.
Promotions on Boden News
News’s store has a lot of coupons to use on products. The website itself has a separate coupon page. Its coupon page has special opportunities to use unique coupon codes, and avail of discount offers. The coupon page also provokes the users to participate in giveaways and flash sales. Its store has products which are available for both genders. There are a lot of children’s products available as well. Such as Children’s frocks etc.
Boden also celebrates the Black Friday sales and offers premium discounts to its users. On Black Friday sales, most products are at 50% off. Whether the product is for men, women, or even children. Hence, the user does not need to go through the hassle of searching the offline market.
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