For many elderly people, the final years of life can be difficult. Whilst senior citizens will no longer have the pressure of cultivating a career and going to work each day, they may find that they have too much free time without sufficient mental or social stimulation. This can be especially true when they have lost a lifelong partner due to old age.
As a result of these circumstances, feelings of loneliness and isolation can be common in later life, especially if they live far away from relatives and loved ones. In America, around 25% of adults aged 65 and over are considered to be socially isolated. This isolation can lead to an increased risk of medical problems, such as dementia, developing. In addition, as people age, they may find that they cannot look after themselves safely in their own homes.
The risks of slips, trips, and falls increase as people age, and can often result in serious injury and trauma. Assisted living facilities are often the best option for elderly people who begin to struggle to live well on their own premises. This article explains four ways in which such facilities can improve the quality of life of the elderly.
Opportunities to Socialize
As mentioned above, loneliness and feelings of isolation can have a significant and detrimental effect on the mental health of the elderly. Moving into an assisted living facility, such as assisted living in Glendale, can be of great benefit to combat this.
This is because assisted living facilities are often self-contained communities that house a wide range of other elderly residents. In such establishments, the on-site care staff may organise fun and enjoyable group activities that encourage the residents to get together and form friendships.
There may be on-site activities, such as art classes, regular bingo games, or gentle exercise classes that all serve to create a feeling of community and allow residents to spend time together. In short, having opportunities to socialise in assisted living homes can be a vital way of promoting improved well-being amongst the residents.
Resident Safety
Many senior citizens move into assisted living facilities because of concerns over their safety at home. Relatives may notice that their elderly loved ones have difficulty moving around and are at risk of falls due to decreasing levels of muscle strength.
In addition, if the elderly person begins to have problems with memory or goes on to develop serious conditions, such as Alzheimer’s disease, they may not be able to stay safe in their own accommodation. In professionally run assisted living facilities, there are highly trained care and medical staff on the premises. New residents will be assessed for their health and mobility needs when they arrive with tailored care plans and specialist equipment being put into place for those that need it.
Such facilities will offer residents a far safer living environment than they would get in their own homes. Grab rails may be installed in showers and by toilets to help minimise the risk of falls when undertaking personal hygiene routines. In addition, in some specialist sites that cater for residents with memory problems, there may be a team of staff that can help residents manage their memory issues and still live life to the full.
Nutritious Meals
Many assisted living facilities offer freshly prepared meals as part of their services, and often, these are available to be cooked to order when a resident requests a meal. A well-run establishment will pride itself on the choice and quality of meals that are available and will offer courses that are both healthy and nutritious. A lot of elderly people struggle to prepare their own meals, and by having on-site facilities that offer excellent quality food, their general standard of living can be significantly improved.
On-Site Assistance
A final benefit of assisted living facilities is that they offer on-site assistance from a team of healthcare professionals. Depending on the facility, there may be registered nurses, health care assistants, activity coordinators, and specialist staff who may be highly knowledgeable in specific conditions that can affect the elderly.
Having access to a range of professional staff at such establishments can give peace of mind to both the residents and their relatives. In short, these staff will play a key role in ensuring that their elderly residents live life to the full and enjoy their senior years.
To Sum Up
There is a wide range of benefits that assisted living facilities can offer their elderly residents. A community of elderly people on the site combined with fun social and group activities can help to minimise feelings of loneliness or isolation.
Residents are in a safe environment with a highly trained workforce that can offer bespoke car plans for the elderly and ensure that there is the lowest possible risk of accidents or injuries. A well-run assisted living facility will also offer the residents a range of high-quality and nutritious meal options that will allow them to genuinely enjoy their mealtimes and improve their health.